UAE published new regulations on Type Approval for Telecommunications Equipment which sets 3 different Type Approval (TA) types based on the level of product risk as follows:
First level: Declaration of Conformity
This level shall apply to telecommunications equipment of low risk and priority, where approval is granted based on the SDoC with the technical standards and essential requirements.
Second level: General Equipment Registration
This level shall apply to telecommunications equipment of medium risk and priority, where the registered manufacturer or importer of telecommunications equipment provides proof of conformity with the technical standards and essential requirements by submitting technical test reports issued by an ILAC-certified lab, or based on a certificate of conformity issued by one of TRA’s certification entities as defined in sections 4.15 and 4.16. If the certified test report is not available, TRA may, at the applicant’s expense, perform equipment testing or request equipment testing in a recognized testing lab.
Third level: Advance Equipment Registration
This level shall apply to telecommunications equipment of high risk and priority, where the registered manufacturer or importer of telecommunications equipment provides proof of conformity with the technical standards and essential requirements on the basis of:
– Submitting test reports issued by a recognized test labs as defined in sections 4.15 and 4.16.
– Performing additional technical tests at the telecom equipment National Lab.
The manufacturer or importer of telecommunications equipment shall provide a sample of the telecommunications equipment to be approved under this level as part of the mandatory Type Approval requirements.
TRA has not published the mandatory product list yet, and, it is expected to be published soon.
The TRA regulatory notice provides other important information such as penalty, renewal approval, and updated marking requirements.