The Chilean Telecom Regulator, SUBTEL, has replaced the Resolution No. 755 of 2005 with a new Resolution: 1985 of October/2017.
This replacement was done, due to the Resolution 755 had multiple modifications over the years, and SUBTEL considered this makes the application of the norms quite a challenge.
The new resolution presents the information in a clear and organized manner, and there are no radical changes in regards to the technical requirements for approvals:
They added some frequency bands in the item j.2 of Article 1, as follows:
Frequency and Intensity
9 to 490 KHz – 2.400/f Khz uV/m 300 meters
525 to 11.705 Khz . – 15 uV/m to meters
1.705 to 4.500 KHz – 100 uV/m at 30 meters
4.500 KHz to 30 MHz – 30 uV/m to 30 meters
88 to 108 Mhz . 50 nW
49.82 to 49.89 MHz – 10 mV/m to 3 meters
218 to 222 MHz . – 45 mW
315 MHz . – 10 mW
430 to 440 MHz – 10 mW
464.5875 to 464,7375 MHz – 12 mW
740 to 741 MHz . – 10 mW
868,175 to 868, 375 MHz – 25 mW
902 to 928 MHz . – 7 mW
1.920 to 1.930 MHz . – 70 mW
2.400 to 2.483,5 MHz .- 5 mW
10.5 to 10.55 GHz – 50 mW
17.1 to 17.3 GHz – 400 mW
24.400 to 24.25 GHz – 100 mW
In the item j.5) the antenna gain is now 30dBi (the previous limit was 28dBi):
Operate in the frequency band from 57 to 64 GHz, in fixed service applications, with the following technical characteristics:
1. Maximum output power of the transmitter: 10 dBm
2. Minimum antenna gain: 30 dBi
3. Maximum radiated power: 50 dBm
And the new resolution includes an appendix with the technical requirements applicable to the ultra wide-band devices.
Contact 360Compliance Experts for more Information on SUBTEL Homologation