In South Africa, safety of electrical and electronic products is covered by the Compulsory Specification VC 8055. Currently the VC 8055 determines the safety of Audio/Video (AV) products according to the SANS/IEC 60065 and Information Technology (ICT) Equipment on the base of SANS/IEC 60950.
The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) approved the recognition of SANS/IEC 62368-1 as an equivalent standard to SANS/IEC 60065 and SANS/IEC 60950. The current NRCS Compulsory Specification, VC 8055 regulates the safety of electrical and electronic products, including the safety of AV products covered by SANS/IEC 60065 and Information Technology Equipment covered by SANS/IEC 60950. The NRCS is still in process of amending the VC 8055 to refer to the newly adopted standard SANS/IEC 62368-1.
Since April 2021, the Electrotechnical Business Unit of the NRCS accepts test reports that refer to SANS/IEC 62368-1 without issuance of a declaration of equivalence by applicants. IEC 62368-1:2018 ED 3 is the latest adopted standard by South Africa, and the respective CB test report is now accepted for Issuance of Safety LOAs for South Africa market access.
The NRCS will still accept the report in both IEC 60065 and IEC 60950-1 standards and until the final VC 8055 has been published as the final compulsory specification which references the new SANS/IEC 62368-1 standards. Both IEC 62368-1:2014 (2nd edition) and IEC 62368-1:2018 (3rd edition) will also be accepted.
This is a solution by NRCS to accept the SANS/IEC 62368-1 standards. LOAs may still be issued under SAN/IEC 60065/60950 standards until NRCS publishes the final amended VC 8055 in the government gazette, which refers to new standards, even if the test report submitted is SANS/IEC 62368-1. Therefore, clients do not have to update the LOAs.