In order to access the Russian market through obtaining TR CU Certificates (CoC) or Declarations (DoC) of Conformity which are required starting from the stage of customs clearance.
In some cases doing business in Russia assume some additional approval form for equipment and products that still aren’t regulated by EAEU Technical regulations. list of some effective approval documents is described and relevant product group:
1.CoC / DoC to TR EAEU for all products that are specified in over 30 EAEU Technical Regulations.
2.State Registration Certificate (SRC) or Hygienic Certificate for kids clothes.
3.GOST-R Certificates/Declarations that is still required for some kind of products such as building materials, tableware, high-voltage (> 1000 V) equipment, steel ropes, polyethylene pipes etc.
4.Pattern Approval Certificate (PAC) or Metrology Certificate which must be issued for measuring devices.
5.Radio-Frequency Conclusion (RFC) for radio-electronic means that transfer data through the wireless network.
6.FSB (FSS) Notification for devices that are capable of encryption.
7.Telecom Declaration/Certificate (or so-called FAC CoC/DoC) for telecommunication appliances which provide access to the Public Network.
8.Medical Registration Certificate for all products that can be classified as Medical devices (MD).
9.Fire-Safety Certificate for construction materials and fire extinguishing equipment (EMERCOM).
10.ROSTECHNADZOR (RTN) Approval or so-called Industrial Expertise is also known as Permit of use issued which required for equipment supplied to the hazardous facilities (Oil and Gas sector).
Each of the document has its own features and differ by certification procedure. Some of them have unlimited validity (such as SRC) other can be valid only for 5 years (TR CU CoC/DoC).