Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) under the Ministry of Industry revised the list of mandatory standards. The updated list was officially issued in July 2020. The range of standards was revised:
1.TIS 4 Part 1- 2558 (2015) on Tungsten Filament Lamps. This standard will become effective from January 11, 2021. It is based on the IEC 60432-1 Ed 2.2 (2012) but please note, it is not identical to the IEC version and has some differences.
2.TIS 2425-2560 (2017) on Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs). This standard will become effective from January 11, 2021. It is based on the IEC 61008-1 Ed 2.1 (2012).
3.TIS 11 Part 101-2559 (2016) on PVC insulated Copper cables. This standard will become effective from November 24, 2020. It is based on the IEC 60227 and also is a modified one.
Two new categories of products were added and became mandatory for approval:
1.Portable Power Banks TIS 2879-2560 (2017) “Portable Power Bank – Safety Requirements”. This standard will become effective from November 17, 2020. There are no harmonized standards, however, it is possible to compare with IEC 60950 and IEC 62133 standards requirements.
2.Plugs and Socket-Outlets for household and similar purposes TIS 166-2549 (2006) “Plugs and Socket-Outlets for household and similar purposes: Plugs and Socket-Outlets with a rated voltage not exceeding 250 V” This standard will become effective from November 12, 2020. The relevant IEC standard is IEC 60884-1 (2002).
Links to the official documents:
1. TIS 2879-2560 (2017)
2. TIS 166-2549 (2006)
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