The Ministry of Economy in Mexico(NOM type approval) has published the standard updates for the following regulations: NOM-015-ENER-2018 and NMX-J-521-2-41-ANCE-2019.
NOM-015-ENER-2018 the new edition published on June 28, 2018, replacing NOM-015-ENER-2012 with impact on household refrigerators, refrigerators-freezers, and freezers.
The first stage of the NOM-015-ENER-2018 edition is already implemented. All manufacturers and importers having household refrigerators, refrigerators-freezers, and freezers with volume ≥ 550L with certificates according to the previous edition shall be updated by applying for a new NOM certificate under the new version of the standard.
The second implementation stage of the NOM-015-ENER-2018 edition will come into force on June 17, 2020. All manufacturers and importers having household refrigerators, refrigerators-freezers and freezers with volume ≥ 400 L with active certificates according to the previous edition shall be updated by June 17, 2020, by applying for a new NOM certificate under the new version of the standard.
The third implementation stage of the NOM-015-ENER-2018 edition will come into force on June 12, 2021. All manufacturers and importers having NOM certificates according to the previous edition issued before the effective date of June 12, 2021, will remain valid until the expiration date of the NOM-015-ENER-2012 certificate. After the expiration date, certificates must be updated by applying for a new NOM certificate under the NOM-015-ENER-2018 new version of the standard.
This official Mexican standard (NOM type approval)sets the maximum energy consumption limits for refrigerators and freezers for domestic use operated by hermetic motor-compressors, establishes the test methods to determine the energy consumption and calculate the total refrigerated volume, and specifies the label for energy consumption.
This standard applies to household electrical refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers up to 1,104 L and freezers up to 850 L operated by hermetic motor-compressors sold in Mexico. NMX-J-521-2-41-ANCE-2019 the new edition published on January 2, 2020, replacing NMX-J-521-2-41-ANCE-2011 with impact on electric pumps for liquids intended for household and similar purposes, with mandatory implementation on June 30, 2020.
All manufacturers and importers of electric pumps for liquids intended for household and similar purposes having NOM certificates according to the previous edition issued before the effective date of June 30, 2020, will remain valid until the expiration date of the NMX-J-521-2-41-ANCE-2011 certificate. After the expiration date, certificates must be updated by applying for a new NOM certificate under the NMX-J-521-2-41-ANCE-2019 version of the standard.
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