A new Conformity Assessment Procedure (PEC) in telecommunications and broadcasting products has been published in the Mexico Official Gazette on February 25th, and it will take effect next year.
The holders of the conformity certificates must also obtain the corresponding IFT approval certificate, otherwise, both certificates will be canceled.The non-transferability of the conformity certificate, testing or inspection report is established, so they will only be valid with respect to its holder. This implies that certificates used by third parties can no longer be used to demonstrate compliance in customs and each importer must obtain their own IFT certificate and their respective CoC.
The use of digital media for communication between the conformity assessment bodies, the IFT and those interested in obtaining a certificate of conformity, testing or inspection report is established. Therefore, requests will now be made through digital means for communication between conformity assessment bodies, the Institute and those interested in obtaining a certificate of conformity, inspection opinion and/or test report.
There are 4 certification schemes are established according to the needs identified in the matter of the present ordinance:
1. Sample by the model of products for a single batch.
2.Sample by product model and surveillance for more than one batch.
3. Sample by the family of product and surveillance models.
4.Sample by telecommunications device or broadcasting and surveillance.
360Compliance provides Testing & Certification for type approval services and global market access in 195 countries. With proven expertise in worldwide regulations, 360Compliance can help your company shorten time to any market, minimize risks and manage the regulatory process from A-Z.
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