Recently ANATEL published the Official Letter n° 25/2019 asking OCDs to inform all manufacturers and reinforce the importance to register the TAC (Type Allocation Code, composed by the first 8 digits of IMEI) for all devices with WWAN functions that will use the SMP (Portable Mobile Service), such as Mobile Phones, Tablets, Modules and all other terminal using WWAN.
E3Tech translated the Letter n° 25/2019 for our clients.
The resistration will be made by the following:
Using the SIGA system (controlled by company called ABR Telecom) and according to ANATEL this register must be done only by the Brazilian Manufacturer or the Local Representative company in Brazil. SIGA (Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Aparelhos) is a centralized technological solution integrated with the SMP Providers (Carriers), whose purpose is to treat and combat the use of cloned, adulterated or uncertified IMEIs in the Mobile Operators’ networks. You can find TAC registration system here.
Please note, E3Tech, as being Local representative of many manufacturers, is able to support our clients and proceed with this TAC registration for all products homologated under our name.
Register the TAC with the following steps:
- Foreigner applicant request the device homologation in Brazil
- Certification process is conducted until obtain the ANATEL homologation
- Manufacturer request to GSMA (GSM Association) the registration and TAC list
- Brazilian manufacturer or Local representative make the TAC registration in the SIGA
- Manufacturer is allowed to be start the commercialization in Brazil
ABR Telecom will be responsible to confirm the TAC informed in the SIGA is register in the GSMA database as well. If not, ABR will inform ANATEL to take the necessary actions.
In order to proceed the TAC registration in the SIGA, you will need to provide:
- Model name (same listed in the ANATEL Certificate)
- TAC list (all TACs that belong to the homologated model in Brazil must be registered)
- ANATEL Homologation ID number
- Homologation Date
- Manufacturer’s Code in the GSMA
360Compliance provides Testing & Certification for type approval services and global market access in 195 countries. With proven expertise in worldwide regulations, 360Compliance can help your company shorten time to any market, minimize risks and manage the regulatory process from A-Z.
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