EN 62368-1 Edition 2 accepts power supplies certified to EN 60950-1 by legacy component provision 4.1.1. CENELEC intends to remove the legacy component provision 4.1.1 from Edition 2 of EN 62368-1, due to come into effect December 20, 2020, and has stated that it will not be featured in Edition 3 but currently, there is no any evidence that the legacy component provision 4.1.1 will be removed from Edition 2.
Therefore, power supplies that are certified to the latest EN 60950-1 will be acceptable for EN 62368-1 end-product until DOW of EN 62368-1 Edition 3. According to CENELEC, the DOW is 2023/01/06.
IEC 62368-1 and UL 62368-1 also accept power supplies, certified to IEC/UL 60950-1 by the same legacy component provision 4.1.1. IEC TC108 committee has considered recommending that the provisions should be extended into IEC 62368-1:2018 (Edition 3), which is currently being reviewed for publication.
UL will maintain acceptance of 60950-1 for legacy products after the 2020 date of withdrawal as long as significant changes involving the safety of critical components are not made to the specific parts in question.
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