The Directing Council of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) approved public consultation of the Regulatory Agenda for 2021-2022. The Regulatory Agenda is the tool adopted by Anatel to provide greater publicity, predictability, transparency, and efficiency to the regulatory process, enabling the monitoring by society and regulated entities of the commitments pre-established by the regulatory body.
In addition to providing stability and predictability to regulated agents and the general public, the Agenda also allows for improvement in the planning, coordination, and control of tasks performed internally by the Agency, directing resources and efforts to where they are most needed and producing the most relevant results.
Although it is an internal management instrument – whose submission to the public consultation process is not mandatory – Anatel has chosen to do so in a practice of transparency and publicity, since the external Regulatory Agenda planning for the preparation of regulations of the Agency.
For the 2021-2022 biennium, Anatel’s proposal provides for 36 initiatives, of which 31 are in continuation of the 2019-2020 Regulatory Agenda and five are new. Among them – initiatives such as the Edition of the 5G Bidding Notice and the Reassessment of the Telecommunications Services Regime and Scope, which includes the Regulation for the Adaptation of the Concession Regime to that of Authorization, both with final approval currently scheduled for the first half of 2021, and Reassessment of regulation on the right of consumers of telecommunications services, with final approval scheduled for the second half of next year.
The process of drafting standards has been standardized in the Public Administration, due to the approval of the Law on Agencies ( Law No. 13.848 / 2019 ) and the Law on the Declaration of Economic Freedom ( Law No. 13.874 / 2019 ).
After examining society’s contributions to the Public Consultation, the process must return to the Board of Directors for final adjustments and approval, which, pursuant to Ordinance No. 927/2015 , must take place by March 31, 2021.
Based on information from the Anatel website.
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