Lately ANATEL published the Act 3939 related to guideline of Declaration of Conformity (DoC) with testing report . The DoC procedure looks pretty much like the regular certification mode, but the applicant (local rep) can apply the procedure directly with ANATEL without requiring the use of one OCD (OCD is optional in this mode). E3Tech can handle the approval by DoC directly with ANATEL.
The requirements are basically the same (representative letter, manual, internal and external pictures, Factory ISO and testing report (overseas ILAC testing report is acceptable) and the CoC will be replaced by a DoC declaration. Applicant will submit the files to ANATEL and ANATEL will inspect the documents as usual before issuing the homologation.
The DoC is applicable only for a few types of equipment according to Act 7280, such as: Broadcasting equipment, RF Power Amplifier for Earth Station, Satellite Transceiver, etc. There is another DoC mode called “DoC with ANATEL Brand”. ANATEL did not published this procedure yet, but for those cases ANATEL will not review the application and the documents will be in a repository to be used just in case of market surveillance or customer complaint.
Below is the Anatel Act 3939 official link: