The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL Certification) informed the fixed and mobile telephony providers that the communication sent previously is ineffective, so that they would refrain from suspending or interrupting the provision of services during the period of emergency health related to the coronavirus (Covid-19), as well as to reestablish services within 24 hours for consumers who have been cut due to default.
The request for Suspension of execution of injunction / early guardianship, submitted through the Specialized Federal Attorney’s Office at ANATEL, was motivated by the imperative need to guarantee public order and economy, especially the maintenance of the sustainability of the provision of telecommunications services to the population, especially at a time when its importance is even more evident.
The president of the federal regional court of the 3rd Region, in the decision that I am forwarding, dated April 15, 2020, granted the preliminary suspension requested by this Agency regarding the determination related to ANATEL, in the following terms:Given the suspension of decisions regarding Anatel, the communication sent to the providers contained in Official Letter 139/2020 / GPR-ANATEL (SEI No. 5431698) remains void.
Considering that the president of the federal regional court of the 3rd Region, within the scope of the request for Suspension of Execution of Injunction / Early Guardianship nº 500855243.2020.4.03.0000 (SEI nº 5455656), presented by ANATEL, suspended the effects of the judicial decisions issued by the court of the 12th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo, dated 04/02/2020 and 07/04/2020, in the records of Public Civil Action No. 5004662- 32.2020.4.03.6100, ANATEL COMMUNICATES to all providers ( concessionaires and authorized companies) of fixed telephony (Fixed Switched Telephone Service – STFC) and mobile telephony (Personal Mobile Service – SMP) which has no effect on the communication previously sent to the providers contained in Official Letter 139/2020 / GPR-ANATEL (SEI nº 5431698).
Based on information from ANATEL Website.
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