63AA Radio Local Area Network transmitters:
250 mW
(a) The transmitter must only be used indoors.
(b) The power spectral density of the transmitter must not exceed 12.5 mW EIRP per MHz.
(c) Contention-based protocols for multiple access, such as Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) or Multiple Access Collision Avoidance (MACA), must be implemented.
63AB Radio Local Area Network transmitters:
25 mW
(a) The power spectral density of the transmitter must not exceed 1.25 mW EIRP per MHz.
(b) Contention-based protocols for multiple access, such as Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) or Multiple Access Collision Avoidance (MACA), must be implemented.
Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence 2015 (legislation.gov.au)