Standard Introduction:
EN 55032 is a specific EMC product standard covering EMC compliance testing of Multimedia Equipment (MME) and replaces several other product standards Including EN 55022 for ITE.
The EN 55032 has become effective as a harmonized emission standard in compliance with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.
What standards are being replaced with EN 55032?
– EN 55022 covers EMC emissions requirements for information technology equipment (ITE).
– EN 55013 covers EMC emissions requirements for sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment.
– EN 55103-1 covers EMC emissions requirements for professional audio, video, audio-visual, and entertainment lighting control equipment for professional use.
EN 55032 – What are the affected product categories?
Multimedia equipment (MME) is defined as Information technology equipment (ITE), audio equipment, video equipment, broadcast receiver equipment, entertainment lighting control equipment or a combination of these that have been previously tested within the scope of EN 55013, EN 55022 or EN 55103-1, and that will ship into the European Union.
When to Select Class A or B under EN 55032
Under EN 55032, any equipment primarily used in a residential environment must meet Class B limits. All other equipment must comply with Class A limits.
What are the Limits?
There are 5 sections. Manufacturers are responsible for applying the appropriate limits to their products, which include:
- E1 (Residential)
- E2 (Commercial & Light industrial)
- E3 (Urban Outdoor)
- E4 (Controlled EMC environment)
- E5 (Heavy Industrial)
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Source: EU Database