All devices should be indoor use only, not only for indoor AP but also other used devices, And it also needs to affix the below compliance label.

5925-7125 MHz band for use by following products with the restrictions and requirements as noted below:
1.Indoor Access Points with a max EIRP of 30 dBm
– Access points cannot be weatherproof .
-Access points can only have built-in antennas and is It is prohibited to provide the ability to connect other antennas to the devices.
-Access points cannot be battery operated.
-Access points cannot operate on extraction platforms of oil, automobiles, trains, ships and aircraft, with the exception of large passenger aircraft (only 5925 – 6425 MHz) operating at an altitude of more than 10,000 feet.
2.User Devices with a max EIRP of 24 dBm.
3.Use and operation by and / or communication with drones is not allowed.
4.A Compliance Label is required, engraved or printed in a visible and permanent way to the telecommunications equipment and / or apparatus.
Please refer to resolution RM nro 373-2021-MTC/01 for more details.